Me In The Bath (music project/projet musique) Me In The Bath

ME IN THE BATH is Nicolas "Shangri-l" Chartoire one man band.

Mixing lofi and garage production with grunge, no wave, noise pop, ME IN THE BATH is a project quite unique, that many people enjoy all over the world.

ME IN THE BATH released its first song in late 2010, and a real lot of ME IN THE BATH albums and eps were released later.

ME IN THE BATH publishes mainly trough the Slcnc Music label, although there's a split album that has been released through S.A.S.S. Crou.

Currently, there's about 30 ME IN THE BATH releases.

Generally speaking, releases get available for free download within 3 weeks after their initial issuing. CDs are available trough Slcnc Music. ME IN THE BATH's music is always open-licensed : you can make copies for your friends.

Pour ceux et celles qui lisent le français : je vais pas ré-écrire tout cela en français, désolé. Venez discuter avec moi, le lien "contact" dans le menu est là pour ça.

Nico pour ME IN THE BATH

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